Every Single Street challenge
How many people have traveled every single street in their town? When I was in Caldwell, Kansas, several people talked about a particular street of run down houses.…
How many people have traveled every single street in their town? When I was in Caldwell, Kansas, several people talked about a particular street of run down houses.…
By Becky McCray I’ve been thinking lately how many large challenges we face as a society that come down to not thinking from other people’s perspectives. Our communities…
Local entrepreneurs can make a big difference in rural prosperity. And crafters are a plentiful source for potential entrepreneurs in rural places.
Many programs for small towns have a list prerequisites that starts with “shared vision.” Consensus seems to always be on the list of qualities you need to succeed…
Rural communities were not immune to the chaos of 2020, but remained more concerned with ongoing challenges. To find out what rural people felt were their biggest challenges,…
SaveYour.Town creates a lasting legacy for rural people. That’s our informal mission statement. (If you know us, you know why we don’t have a formal mission statement!) At…
Painting murals using the paint by numbers method is a great way to bring people together and rally your community. In Webster City, Iowa, four groups–government, business, education…
You probably have one in your downtown. Maybe a building burned, or maybe the roof just fell in. These things happen. Now you have an empty space, maybe…
My small town hosted an international photojournalist, Brendan Hoffman, in residency at the local paper. A town of 8,000 people managed to take a 6 week free class…
What small town people see as their biggest challenges And what topics rural people most want help with Wouldn’t it be great if the people who say…
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