SaveYour.Town received an email with a story about art and an empty building we want to share today. Deb Landy, the Mural Coordinator for Sayre Revitalization in Athens, PA sent this.
You have all been so helpful to our small town of Sayre, PA. I read your newsletter faithfully! We have had two successful Pop Up events, both art shows because of your inspiration. Last summer we used a vacant store, put out a registration via JotForm and had a great show. We had organized a street fair to celebrate the completion of our first mural, closed the street, and had live music. There were so many people in the street having fun. It was very successful and over 400 people came inside to see the art! The building that housed the show was vacant and for sale. The building owner was happy to have so many people through the building.
We made sure everyone knew the building was available for sale!
We were delighted to give the artists a place to showcase their work!
Just last month we had another Pop Up Art Show to celebrate our second mural and the artists came out again, each creating something along the theme of flowers to go with the mural that was completed. Our mural artist Dana Twigg came up with an ingenious way to show art on concrete “Jersey Barriers.” These wooden splints are reusable for the next time we have a Pop Up show in another place. Deb said, “Honestly, the Jersey Barrier contraptions were so great! Maybe others could use the idea. It cost us $200 in lumber. We made 8 vertical brackets that are like 3′ splints that straddle the concrete. They were positioned about 8′ apart, and wood stringers were screwed between them and that what the art hung from. Everything was painted black. They can be used over and over again.”
We showed over 50 pieces of art in what we called “Artist Alley” with live music and local food vendors setting up tables.
Thank you for all you do to inspire all of us!
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