Before you write your next plan

Too often, planning starts from what we lack. Try a strengths assessment instead. 6 questions to kick off your thinking.

Too often, our planning starts from what we don’t have. We focus on what to improve, what we lack, what we messed up last year.

Educator Kristie Pretti-Frontczak suggested a strengths assessment instead. Here are her questions to kick off your thinking:

  1. What do you aspire to accomplish within the next year, within the next 3 months, within the next 30 days?
  2. What goals will move you toward your aspirations?
  3. If you were to rank the top three goals to begin working on immediately, what would they be?
  4. What do you see as your strengths that will help you to accomplish your goals?
  5. What do you see as opportunities to learn or grow that will help you to accomplish your goals?
  6. If you could have one tool or piece of information that would be key to your aspirations, what would it be?

I find her approach of starting with your strengths, instead of what needs fixing, refreshing.

More alternatives to the same old plan

How would you like 5 alternatives to writing the same old plan the same old way? That’s what you’ll get in the SaveYour.Town video Before You Write Your Next Plan, available now.