Committees are just a group of people who want to do things. The problem is forming committees is the old way of doing things. Volunteers are harder to find these days.
There’s a real disconnect around the word volunteer in small towns. Traditionally, people were asked to volunteer for a certain time frame, starting with one year. You may have seen those letters from the local chamber. They ask “we’re filling out committees and need your help. Which one of this humongous list of committees do you want to serve on?”
If you ask me that question, the answer is NONE. Volunteering for a year long (or more) is a serious commitment. I’ve already filled up my dance card on these kind of commitments. Serving on a committee with assigned positions of power, President, Vice President, etc., limits your ability to get things done. Things are discussed ad nauseum, voted on and watered down before you can make a move and get started. It’s frustrating and disheartening.
Kill the Committees.
Try something different. Ask people to help you out on a project for a couple of hours. Hosting an event and you need someone to help set up barricades to block off the street? Wrote an important document but you need help editing? Need to find out the right people to talk to about your idea? Planning a big event?
Ask for help. Short term, around their schedule if possible, and with a happy heart.
If you’re a member of SaveYour.Town you can watch the video, The Secret to Finding More Volunteers. There’s information at that link to learn more about membership.