Category: Downtown

From Possibilities to Winning

Becky and I have been fortunate to help make many stories come to life through our Three-day Community Engagements, Core Group Boosts, correspondence from you, and visits to…

burned out building that is roofless

Fill your empty lots

Porterdale, Georgia had a huge community center and gymnasium that was 12,000 square feet. It was built in 1939, and designed by Ellamae Ellis League That’s right, a…

Savior town or SaveYour.Town

Are you waiting for a savior company or do you want to save your own town? You have everything you need to save your own town.  You bring…

Survey of Rural Challenges

Survey of Rural Challenges 2023 results

To find out what rural people felt were their biggest challenges, SaveYour.Town and surveyed 315 rural people from the US, Canada and Australia between November 2022 and…