The Small Town Creed
The Idea Friendly Town – A creed for small towns
We are a community of possibilities, not of problems. We are action takers. We are optimistic.
It’s not about what this town used to be. We have people right now, assets right here, and we can take action right away. We don’t need another plan, another committee, or another meeting. We can do it now.
We create the moments that show what this town could be and the places that take our breath away, if only just for a moment. What we create doesn’t have to be permanent to create possibility.
We don’t care about titles or who holds official positions. The people who do hold titles may not think like us. That’s ok. No one can stop us from doing the little things that really matter.
We’d rather help 10 people try their own ideas than to hold a vote and tell everyone to support the “winner.” That might be more efficient, but efficiency isn’t our goal. Community is our goal. And we try everyone’s ideas.
We don’t let statistics and negative reports beat us up. Those numbers are nothing but a snapshot in time. What we do next is up to us.
We aren’t changing our town to attract others to come save us. We are valuing the people who are here now and what we all want to create together.
That means everyone, every single one. People of all ages, all ethnicities, all backgrounds, all incomes, people who are new in town and people who have been here for generations. All of us have ways of doing things, culture and things to share. We all want a thriving town with a future for generations.
We thrive by doing more business together. We celebrate the entrepreneurs, business people, dreamers, makers, artists, experimenters, performers, crafters, bakers, upcyclers, junkers, people who sell in booths and homes and parking lots and trucks and sheds. Together we prosper, right here where we are.
We have everything we need. We are creating the community we want one small step at a time.
It’s nothing short of a revolution in how we build our town together.
Welcome to an Idea Friendly town.